Monday, February 13, 2012

Benign! Hell, yeah!

I went to the hospital today to have a nurse remove the staples from my head - by the way, I had my friend Angie recount my staples for me and I actually had 23... 2 more than I had counted - Anyway, having the staples out was not only completely painless but I couldn't feel anything when she pulled them out. Not even a tickle. The only bad news is that she told me to wait until tomorrow to wash my hair. Oh well, what's another day after twelve days. Why not make it a lucky thirteen?

The big news is that the nurse was able to get me in to talk to my surgeon about the results of the pathology test. The doctor had always been really confident that the tumor was benign (not caner) and I'm very happy to announce that the test results have confirmed that!!!! Yay! I was just really unlucky to have had breast cancer and then get this other tumor that was completely unrelated. So, now my noggin will be monitored via MRIs for the next 20 years to make sure that nothing sprouts up again (I sound like a possible chia pet). I already get 2 MRIs a year for my breast cancer screaning, so I will probably add another 3 or 4 MRIs of my head this year and then slowly the doctor will drop them back to one every couple of years. I've had about ten MRIs in the past three years. I am glad that someone is monitoring me. It makes me feel like it is less likely that something will get missed in the future and that I don't have to advocate or insist on a test when I feel like something is unusual.

So happy! It's hard to go through a situation like this but when the results are good it makes me feel so fantastic. I can look back on the experience and remember all the love I had from friends and family. These kind of things definitely change a person and I think it is usually for the better.

Happy day!

And today I will leave you with a picture of my head taken last night before all the staples were taken out. Remember, I haven't been able to wash/brush my hair since February 1st.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

All the Details

Ok. This is a long overdue post. Two days after my surgery, while I was still in the hospital, I spent two hours writing out all the juicy details involving my experience before and after the surgery. I had some amazing care from my nurses and wanted to make sure that I wrote it all down before I forgot all the details or their names. I was almost done writing this huge post when my husband showed up to visit and then I pushed "discard" instead of "save" on my damn iPod.

Anyway, since then I have been avoiding writing a blog entry because I don't want to rewrite that long one again. Now that I have procrastinated so long I am sure that I will leave out details which is probably a good thing because the original entry would have been considered too graphic for some of you. So... Eleven days after surgery... This is what I remember.

My mom slept over the night before so that someone would be home with Gracie when my husband and I left early on the morning of the surgery. I had a little melt down that night right after I went to bed (after kissing a sleeping Gracie goodnight) because I hadn't spoken to her about the fact that I was leaving for the hospital in the morning. In the end, I decided not to tell her anymore information because she seemed to get stressed out about me leaving so I thought I would keep it light. I know that this was the right thing to do, but I felt so guilty and was thinking "what if I don't wake up and this is the last time I see her". I ended up crying with my mom and Kevin. Then I decided to snuggle in bed with Gracie for 20 minutes... which calmed me down... and then I promptly fell asleep in Gracie's bed.

I woke up early!! Crawled out of Gracie's bed :) I had to be at the hospital at around 6:30 in the morning. I couldn't eat anything but I was allowed to have 2 cups of clear fluids 90 minutes before my arrival time. I got up at 5:00 and had a glass of white grape juice. I had to wash my hair and scalp with a disinfecting soap and I couldn't brush/comb it afterwards. I dragged my fingers through my hair. Got dressed and hugged my mom goodbye. She had always been reassuring me that she was totally confident that everything was going to be fine. The hug she gave me made me think otherwise. We had an emotional hug goodbye and then Kevin and I left.

We got to the hospital on time and checked in at the pre-op desk. They had me change into a gown right away and then Kevin and I were brought to a waiting room. The waiting room was full except for three chairs. One chair was next to a very old man in a gown who was obviously frail and there for surgery too. The other two chairs were separated by a guy (about my age) who was not a patient and was treating the woman he came with (who was there for surgery really crappy... he wasn't talking or sitting with her). I sat down in one of the chairs and Kevin opted to sit on the arm of my chair so that we could sit together. Because (SHOCKER) the young guy didn't offer to move over a chair even after Kevin sat on my chair. At this point the old man offered for us to move his extra chair over by mine. Thank you!

I was then called into the pre-op holding room. Where the nurse had me lay down on a bed. I don't remember a lot of this part anymore but I had all my vitals checked and we talked to the nurse about Gracie. She asked if we had a picture and Kevin pulled out his iPhone and showed her a picture of a baby monkey that he likes to say is Gracie. the nurse laughed and said "She has your eyes" and then we laughed and then he showed her a real picture of Gracie.

At around 8:00 a porter came down to wheel me in my bed to the OR floor. Kevin was allowed to walk with us but he had to kiss me goodbye outside the entrance to the OR hallway.

This is the part I was dreading. The part where I get left in the hallway by myself. When I had a surgery two years ago this was the part that was the most difficult. There were no pleasant surprises here. Having to wait by yourself in a bed parked in the hallway outside the OR where you are going to have your head cut open in a matter of minutes is no fun. I thought of my family a lot but I had to force myself not to think of Gracie because whenever I did I would start crying... and I didn't have any Kleenex. I waited for about 20 minutes. Then my OR nurse came out to talk to me. Irene. She was sweet but serious. She was great. Then I was wheeled into the OR and moved to the operating table. I was hooked up to a lot of machines and introduced to the team. There were at least 6 people in the room. I joked with my surgeon for a minute and the anesthesiologist explained what he would be doing. I got upset around his point (I stupidly started thinking of Gracie) and Irene was there with tissue dabbing my eyes and calming me down. The anesthesiologist said some nice things here. He said that he recommends that patients think about somewhere they would like to be (like on a vacation) and the people they would like to be there with. He said some people will then fall asleep and dream about that place. I decided that I wanted to go to Bora Bora with Kevin and Gracie and at the last second I decided to bring Weifun with me too (thanks Frederic). I then had the mask put over my face and I took the deepest breaths I could so that I could go under as quickly as possible so that the worst part could be over!

I didn't dream. Next thing I know I have Irene talking to me. I'm still in the OR. "Daiva. Daiva."
Me: "I'm alive!"
Irene (laughing): "The surgery is over. It was very successful and the doctor got the tumor out in one piece."
Me: "I'm alive! Thank you so much!"

The feeling I have just before surgery is the worst possible fear and sadness but this all changes when I wake up. I woke up FLOATING (and not just from the drugs). Floating from happiness and relief. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real. I was under for around 5 hours but it felt like I went from such a sad place to a happy one in just seconds.

Then I got wheeled to PACU (post anesthetic care unit - aka recovery room). Irene squeezed my hand or I squeezed hers (I don't know), I thanked her again and I said goodbye to her. My new nurse is Cathy. She's wonderful. I have a Neuro test done.
Cathy: hi Daiva. Can you talk?
Me: I'm alive! Do you spell Cathy with a C or a K?
Cathy laughs and proceeds to ask me a bunch of questions which I'm very happy to notice that Cathy likes my answers to. Cathy asked me what number out of ten my pain was. Seven. She gives me something for pain. I complain a few minutes later. She gives me more. I complain again a few minutes later. She gives me something more. Cathy and I are talking when my surgeon comes in and does another Neuro test. Tells me that the surgery was a huge success and asked me if Kevin is waiting for a call. I say yes and he goes off to call Kevin. I found out later that when the doctor calls Kevin the doctor told him that everything went well but Kevin kept waiting for him to say "but". There was a long silence on the phone while Kevin waited and finally the doctor said "Kevin?" The surgery was a success and Daiva is talking... A lot!"
Kevin replied "That sounds like Daiva."

I was in the PACU room from around 1:30 to 7:30. In that time Cathy had another nurse join her. Andrea. I complained about pain and was given stronger drugs. Codeine. I also started to feel quite nauseous during this time and Andrea would hold my hand and look into my eyes during all the tough moments. Andrea and Cathy not only made me feel well looked after but they also made me feel loved. They were really fantastic!!!! I also heard them telling the nurses how great I was :) so I guess we were all really getting along well.

I slept a lot while in PACU because of the codeine. I think I talked to Kevin on the phone. Maybe even my mom.

NOA (Neurological Observation Area)
In the evening a bed opened up in NOA which is like PACU but is specifically for Neurological recovery. Andrea came with me to transport me to the new area. We passed a window in the hallway and I got to see my reflection. I was shocked! I expected to see my head covered in bandages but there were none. I then expected to see the side of my head shaved. Nope! I had a thin strip of my hair shaved where they had to make the incision. The thin line starts at the top of my head and then works it way down to my ear. It's like if I had a headband on my head (but only on one side). I still have all the hair at the font of my head so once my staples come out (all TWENTY ONE) I can hide the missing hair by pulling my front hair back and putting it all up in a ponytail. Yay! I was so happy. Andrea thought it looked great too!

When we got outside the NOA doors I saw Kevin waiting. He had his back to us. I said "Hi Kevin!" and I think he was pretty shocked to see and hear that I was doing so well. Andrea got me settled into my new bed and gave a report to my new nurse, Debbie, and nursing student, Earl. I had a sad goodbye moment with Andrea (I loved her) and then I had a nice visit with Kevin.

I finally was allowed to have some fluids. Which made me sick. I asked them to hold off giving me codeine so that I could visit with Kevin a bit. But after a short visit I was ready for more pain killers.

That first night was horrible! The pain was way less then you would expect. But I was woken up on a regular basis to be given medication or to have vital signs checked. I had an I.V. and an arterial line in my left wrist. The arterial line hurt and I was always being told that it was "positional". That means "don't move or tilt your hand at all or this alarm is going to go off and wake you up all night". That's what happened.

I was in an area of NOA nicknamed the "outback" because it has four beds that are all separated from the rest of the unit. The area was very nice. Except that the two patients closest to me were not as alert as me. They needed suction done several times a night (like on he hour). This was very loud. So, between my meds, alarms going off, vital checks and other patients, I didn't sleep at all. But I loved Debbie and Earl. Debbie is just like me...a we got on like a house on fire. Earl was very nice and he is going to be a great nurse. I woke up with a black eye. It was swollen shut a bit and bloodshot too. I had my arterial line removed in the morning, I got to eat for the first time and I showered in the evening. But I was not allowed to wash my hair. I still can't. Not until February 13th. TWELVE DAYS AFTER MY SURGERY. Yuck!

At some point on this day I opted to stop taking codeine. The codeine was injected and it burned at the injection site. My arm soon became too swollen so I started getting the injections in my stomach. I finally noticed that the burning from the codeine hurt more than my headache. So I switched to Tylenol. I think it's so funny that 24 hours after brain surgery the only pain killers I needed were Tylenol.

At about 11:00 pm I left NOA and went up to the Neuro Ward floor.

I was sad to leave NOA. I was always sad to say goodbye to my nurses. I had mixed feeling because I knew that the ward wouldn't be as nice but I was hoping that I would have quieter nights in the ward. I lucked out and got a semi-private room...but the bed was ridiculously NOT comfortable. I was in the ward from Thursday night until Saturday afternoon and I complained about the bed on several occasions. The bed was hard and lumpy. It was soft at the bottom by my feet but from the hips up it dipped down and was hard. When Kevin was visiting I asked the nurse for a softer bed or harder drugs. She said she would see what she could do but nothing was ever done...until an orderly, Curtis, came in. I was out of my bed so he came in to change the sheets. Curtis said "Your bed is broken." SHOCKER!!! Curtis said that the upper half of the mattress in my bed was broken and not inflating. He said it was like I was sleeping on a box spring...after brain surgery. He had the bed replaced in three minutes. Of course, this was two hours before I was released. I had slept on that bed for TWO nights!

I had to stay at the hospital until Saturday because that is when my bandage would come off. When I say bandage, I mean a long band-aid (about 8 inches long) that is held on top of my incision with 5 or 6 small STAPLES!! I had the staples removed and the band-aid came off and then I was told I can call someone to come get me.

I was really shocked that I was heading home from the hospital only three days post surgery but I was looking forward to a good nights sleep and seeing Gracie. YAY!

Mom and Linda came to pick me up. Mom got me a tea at Tim Horton's. Then we had a quick visit at her place before we went the pharmacy to get my prescription filled. Then I went home.

That was a week ago. Things are going great. I feel much better then I would have thought one would feel after brain surgery. The biggest problem is still sleep. Gracie and Kevin are both sick. I am on steroids which has caused insomnia. So, even though I am fatigued, I find it difficult to sleep. I have to make sure that I don't do too much because I pay for it later if I do.

My black eye is gone. The swelling is almost gone. My headaches are minor. I still have TWENTY-ONE BIG STAPLES in my head (that come out tomorrow). My incision site is itchy and it feels tight. It feels like my hair is all swept into a giant 80's side ponytail held together with a metal banana clip (made of 21 staples). It doesn't really hurt. Everything just feels weird and tight.

Last night was my best night sleep yet! I have a really huge purple bruise on my wrist from the arterial line. I am super gross because I can't wash or brush my hair until tomorrow. OMG, I can't wait!

Okay. I spent two hours rewriting this post. I'm not even spellchecking. I don't want to risk losing it again. Sorry if it doesn't make lots of sense. I wrote it from my iPod so I hope it hasn't replaced any words with completely inappropriate ones.

I just want to take this moment to, once again, thank everyone for all your help. I haven't had to worry about Gracie's care or making dinner. A special thank you to all my wonderful friends and family who have watched Gracie, dropped off food, cleaned, taken me grocery shopping, baked Kevin birthday cupcakes or brought me Starbucks (non-fat, Tazo Chai Latte, No Water - just in case you were wondering). YOU ARE ALL THE BEST!

Also, there has been a problem with the phone lines for a while at the house. They are supposed to be fixed today. So, if you have been trying to reach me and haven't been able to then hopefully as of this afternoon you will be able to. If not, then call my cell or Email/FaceBook me. I don't think that the voicemail is working either. I apologize if I didn't return messages.

For those of you who suffered through reading this whole entry, I will reward you with the picture that Kevin likes to show people and say it's Gracie.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Ok. I spent the morning writing an extremely long post with all the details from the past few days...and then I deleted it by accident. I will write it all up again but I don't feel like doing it from my little iPod keyboard. I will wait to rewrite that long post until after I get home.

Well the doctors are now talking about waiting until tomorrow to discharge me. The main reason for this is that they can't take the bandages off until the third day after my surgery and therefore it makes more sense to keep me here until after they can take the bandages off tomorrow morning. The room I am in now has a very firm bed and pillow which does not help with my headache so I will be happy to get home and have my soft pillows and quiet sleeps. Also I can then have visitors whenever instead of having to stick to visiting hours.

That's it for now. I'm feeling a lot better then I feared I would and I'm totally following orders from all you guys and kicking butt!

Hugs and kisses!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I am Alive!!! And kicking A$$!

The surgery was a success and all the nurses and doctors are shocked that I just had brain surgery yesterday. Just got my iPod dropped off otherwise I would have posted sooner. There's a good chance that I may be discharged tomorrow (Friday) evening.
I haven't gone to FB but I have been told that I have received a lot of really nice comments. Thank you to every one for your support and I will write again tomorrow with more details. Goodnight!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daiva is out of surgery

Hey Guys,

Just heard from Kevin. He spoke with the surgeon who said the surgery was very successful. Daiva is up and talking already. Typical Daiva. ( Those were Kevin's words)

The worse part is over!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Here we go...

So tomorrow is the big day. I will be spending today wrapping up everything at work and then organizing everything at home. I'm doing laundry and buying groceries. I've got Gracie's care arranged for the rest of the week. Gracie gets to spend tomorrow with her Grandma at our house and Thursday she will get to see Leala and Diep, which she is really excited about.

I will pack a bag but Kevin won't bring that to me for a couple of days.

I will go in sometime tomorrow (I will find out later this afternoon what time I will have to arrive - probably early). They will prep me. I will change into a gown and then after a few hours of waiting I will get wheeled to the hallway outside the Operating Room. This is the part I am dreading. I really hated having to wait 20 minutes on my own right outside the OR before my last surgery. This is where my head started racing and I would imagine all the bad things that are about to happen...I may ask for a sedative this time around.

After the surgery I will spend overnight in the PACU (Post Anasthetic Care Unit aka "recovery room"). Only immediate family will be able to visit for a maximum of 5 minutes. I hope that I will be moved to my patient room on Thurday. I also hope that I will be feeling well enough by then to start blogging again.
After my pre-admitting appointment yesterday I am feeling a lot calmer about this surgery. I was reassuered that, although this is brain surgery, it is as routine as brain surgery gets.

The anasthesiologist resident said "If you are told that you have to have brain surgery this is the one you want it to be."

I'm still nervous...but I have also accepted that this is what I have to do.

Thanks again to all of you for your well wishes and offers to help. I have made up a list for Kevin and he will contact people when he needs a hand.

Ok. This is the last post until after my surgery. See you all soon!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Prepping Gracie and Meal Offers

So last night I decided to start talking to Gracie about my surgery. She was playing with a sheet of bubble wrap and I told her that I had a boo boo on my head and that I was going to have to go to the hospital to see a doctor so that he could take the boo boo away. I told her that the doctor was going to put a big band-aid on my head. She responded by saying "That's not good."

I said "No. It's not but the doctor will take Mommy's boo boo away and then I will be all better". I then explained that I would have to have sleepovers at the hospital and that Daddy or Grandma would put her to bed at night.

She said "Can I see your boo boo?"

I said "No because it is inside my head."

Gracie answered "The doctor can't take the boo boo away because you have hair on your head."

I said "The doctor and nurses are going to cut my hair."

She replied "That is sad."

I then said "Yes. I don't want to have my hair cut off. But it will grow back!!!"

She then said "OK!" and then asked me to help her pop her bubble wrap :) She seemed concerned but not scared.

Then she woke up in the middle of the night. She seemed out of it and half unconscious. She asked me to sleep in her bed (which is not uncommon) and when I climbed into bed she asked "Is your head all better?"
I said "Not yet, but the doctor is going to fix it." she then kissed me on my noggin and then rolled over and immediately started snoring. Poor little thing.

On the way home today she said to me "I will be sad when you don't want to be a mommy anymore."
I had to hold back tears and say "I will always be your Mommy. That will NEVER CHANGE no matter what."

And then tonight as I put her to bed she got quite upset and didn't want me to leave. She said "I don't want you to leave for the hospital." She wouldn't calm down until I convinced her that I was not leaving tonight.
She is obviously nervous and worried about this. I'll be honest, so am I. I am going to miss her so much. I don't know whether she will be allowed to visit me in the hospital or not. I don't even know if it is a good idea for her to visit me. It all depends on how I am feeling and what kind of shape I look like afterwards.

Many of you have asked about making meals for me and my family. I have been warned by the doctor that I may not be able to open my mouth very wide after the surgery. I may require some physiotherapy to gain back all my mobility. This is caused by an incision that will be made through the muscle located at my right temple. This muscle controls my jaw. (If you place your hand at your temple and then bite down you can feel the muscle that I'm talking about.) Anyways, because of this I may have diet restrictions. I will know more once I have had my surgery. Although I may be stuck eating soup and apple sauce I am sure that Gracie and Kevin will appreciate a nice hearty meal. Thank you to all of you who have offered.
That's it for tonight. Today was my last full day at work for a few months. Tomorrow I have an MRI...a really long hour staying as still as possible. On Monday I meet with the anesthesiologist and on Tuesday I register Gracie for JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN next year!!!!! I can't believe how big she is getting! The picture of us was taken on Thanksgiving at Hogs Back.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Surgery Date Has Been Set!

Ok. I heard from the hospital today and a surgery date has been set! Next Wednesday. A week from today! I'm nervous and scared!!! But I am relieved to get this process over with so that my life can get back to normal. So, I have seven days to arrange for help taking care of Gracie, meals and cleaning my house. We are looking for volunteers. I also need to wrap things up at work as I will need to take a few months off to recover after the surgery. I will need to get another MRI this week and to meet with the anesthesiologist. I don't know if I will be able to have a laptop in my room after the surgery or not but I hope I can so that I can stay in touch with everybody. I don't think that I will be allowed many visitors as I need to avoid risks of an infection. The hospital will most likely be a very lonely place for me. I try not to think of all the things that can go wrong and instead I focus on planning for the next few months. Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. They mean so much to me.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Noggin

Noggin. It's always been a favourite word and I love to use it. Well, I'm going to be using that word a lot for a while.
A few months ago I approached my doctor and requested an MRI of my brain. I had been having more frequent headaches as well as a numb tongue. The doctor huffed at me and thought I was crazy to want this test done because of a numb tongue but I have a history of doctors who brush my concerns aside. I've usually been right so I knew that I had to insist.
I had the MRI and the results have come back. I have a 25mm x 14mm meningioma on the right side of my head - right at my temple. A tumor. The doctor said that it appears benign (not cancer) and unrelated to my breast cancer history. He said he would be extremely shocked if it turned out to be malignant (cancer). The tumor is probably very slow growing but I'm going to need surgery. After the surgery my brain will be monitored via MRIs for the next 20 years.
The tumor is located on the surface of my brain that is responsible for memory and personality. If my brain is damaged during surgery then these are the parts of my brain that would be affected. The good news is that my brain should have another "backup copy" of this information on the left side of my brain. The chances of permanent damage is under 5%. I also have a small risk of losing mobility and feeling on my left side (I don't remember the percentage....I think it was under 1%). There is, of course, also the risk of infection. The surgeon will do his best to have any scars within my hairline but I will probably have an indent on the right side of my head. My hair has just finally got long enough for me to put it in a ponytail and now I am probably going to have the right side of my head shaved for the surgery. WARNING!!!!...venting time. I knew to expect to hear things that would scare me (procedure and risks of the surgery). But knowing that I'm pretty much guaranteed to be looking in the mirror next month and seeing a slightly different reflection looking back at me really pisses me off. Don't I have enough battle scars already? Hasn't my life been intruded upon enough because of my breast cancer? I have scars on my body that I can cover up with a sweater. Now I am going to have one on my face!!!!!! The doctor told me I should be concerned more about the risks. I'M CONCERNED ABOUT IT ALL!!!!!!!!!! Okay, the venting is over...for now.
The surgery will be soon. I'm still waiting to hear about a date. It will probably last about four hours and I will be in the hospital for at least a few days. I should expect to need about two months recovery time at home before I can go back to work.
I should also mention that the surgeon says that my chances of coming out of this "okay" and not needing any further treatment is as close to 100% as he can get.
I've been crying a lot. Sometimes I start thinking about all the worst case scenarios. I have had a few days of feeling sorry for myself but you know me....I always bounce back and am usually upbeat. Thank you to everyone out there for all your well wishes. Thank you to my wonderful husband, Kevin, who is always there for me. And a big thank you to my dear friend Diep who always knows how to cheer me up.