Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Here we go...

So tomorrow is the big day. I will be spending today wrapping up everything at work and then organizing everything at home. I'm doing laundry and buying groceries. I've got Gracie's care arranged for the rest of the week. Gracie gets to spend tomorrow with her Grandma at our house and Thursday she will get to see Leala and Diep, which she is really excited about.

I will pack a bag but Kevin won't bring that to me for a couple of days.

I will go in sometime tomorrow (I will find out later this afternoon what time I will have to arrive - probably early). They will prep me. I will change into a gown and then after a few hours of waiting I will get wheeled to the hallway outside the Operating Room. This is the part I am dreading. I really hated having to wait 20 minutes on my own right outside the OR before my last surgery. This is where my head started racing and I would imagine all the bad things that are about to happen...I may ask for a sedative this time around.

After the surgery I will spend overnight in the PACU (Post Anasthetic Care Unit aka "recovery room"). Only immediate family will be able to visit for a maximum of 5 minutes. I hope that I will be moved to my patient room on Thurday. I also hope that I will be feeling well enough by then to start blogging again.
After my pre-admitting appointment yesterday I am feeling a lot calmer about this surgery. I was reassuered that, although this is brain surgery, it is as routine as brain surgery gets.

The anasthesiologist resident said "If you are told that you have to have brain surgery this is the one you want it to be."

I'm still nervous...but I have also accepted that this is what I have to do.

Thanks again to all of you for your well wishes and offers to help. I have made up a list for Kevin and he will contact people when he needs a hand.

Ok. This is the last post until after my surgery. See you all soon!!!!!


  1. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I know exactly what you mean about the 20 minutes before surgery. But just remember during those 20 minutes that your last surgery had an extremely positive outcome in that the cancer was gone! This surgery will have a positive outcome as well. Then you will be able to move on with your life and have this all be behind you once and for all. I wish that you did not have to go through all of this but I look forward to many happy times after this is all over. Take care, Cat

  2. Thanks Cat! I look forward to those times too. :)

  3. Best of luck Daiva! You will be back to normal sooner than you know it! And your hair will come in faster than after chemo :)

  4. Daiva, be strong, but a sedative is a good idea. I too know about that pre-op anxiety. And i am planning to cook for you all. I know what Kevin likes, and let me know what you are able to eat. xo patty

  5. Hey mate, I'll be thinking of you through your next post.

    Courage. Strength. Love.

    Fred, Émile & Weifun.
