Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Surgery Date Has Been Set!

Ok. I heard from the hospital today and a surgery date has been set! Next Wednesday. A week from today! I'm nervous and scared!!! But I am relieved to get this process over with so that my life can get back to normal. So, I have seven days to arrange for help taking care of Gracie, meals and cleaning my house. We are looking for volunteers. I also need to wrap things up at work as I will need to take a few months off to recover after the surgery. I will need to get another MRI this week and to meet with the anesthesiologist. I don't know if I will be able to have a laptop in my room after the surgery or not but I hope I can so that I can stay in touch with everybody. I don't think that I will be allowed many visitors as I need to avoid risks of an infection. The hospital will most likely be a very lonely place for me. I try not to think of all the things that can go wrong and instead I focus on planning for the next few months. Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. They mean so much to me.

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